Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Women of Water

We are the women of water.
We flow below you;
Bringing nutrients to grow roots,

and a place to leave your secrets.

We are shadows dancing in the caverns of the Earth,
Letting our voices rise through the depths,
Seeping through cracks in the floorboards, and
Traveling through rock to make music with moss.

We are the women of water,
We flow above you;
Tears of angels, sweat of God, and breath of clouds.
We swallow the cold of winter,
Letting snowflakes melt on our tongues until
Our bellies swell and release with the grace of
Shifting glaciers, running rivers, and moist Earth.
We bring green to your spring,
And puddles for your children to laugh in.

We fill the depths of Earth with what we have,
and bleed freely to give back life.
We are movement supported by the volume of many,
United by the power of expression and gratitude, we flow as one;
Peaceful currents, carving ice, toiling rapids, and rolling seas.

We are the oasis, the source.
Animals bow their heads and tongues tickle.
We let our form change,
Surrendering our bodies to the contours of the Earth,
Bending, twisting, and turning throughout the land.
A long, slender silhouette of grace and serenity.

We are the women of water,
The maternal, the solvent.
Disappearing and reappearing without warning,
Causing destruction, present at all births.
Everywhere and nowhere all at once,
A constant, changing form.

Our bodies undulate with the waves,
Hips sway and bring in the tide,
Belly breathes and the moon rises.
Strong hands, grounded feet, beating heart and flowing hair
All in rhythm, all as one,
Creating, celebrating and singing…

We are the women of water,
Bright eyes reflecting clouds and the smiles of angels.
Fallen from the sky and collected from the inside,
We are the container and the liquid,
The power and the peace,
The place where earth meets sky,
Where the sun sleeps and the moon is born.
We are the women of water.

To the water we go, of water we are, and to the waves, belongs my heart.

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