Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Endangered Specied

I am an endangered species,
An individual among the masses,
Bright plumage under my wings
Awaiting the breath of fresh wind to
Ruffle the feathers, show the world true colors.

I am an endangered woman,
Deep green river eyes,
Hair flowing in sunlight kissed waves.
An exotic style derived from
The source of my birth,
My Mother, the Moon, the Earth.

I am an endangered soul,
Living in a temple of changing form,
Praying for peace with small hands.
Celebrating freedom in a world building trenches
Standing tall under a falling sky.

I am an endangered light,
Perched precariously upon cliff edge,
Shining as far as I can reach
Across the expansive darkness
For all who choose this passage.

I am an endangered heart,
Bleeding freely into open vessels.
Circulating love within the walls
Strong enough to carry the energy
Willing enough to drink freely
And take me in.

Take me in
Away from the danger of being extinct
Of disappearing in the night
Out of sight,
Traveling in memories
And the ambiguity of words.

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